Responsorial Psalm Ps 118:1 and 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a
Gospel Mt 7:21, 24-27
As part of the Uniting in Heart 2030 diocesan plan, the parish councils of St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist are now one Pastoral Council with three members from each parish. The combined Pastoral Council will work to implement the vision of Uniting in Heart in our new pastorate. Even though there will be one combined Pastoral Council, each parish will continue to have their own Finance Councils. Members of the Council are: Fr. Dennis Goth; from St. John's - Janice Ley, Mindy Overdorf, Joe Rice; from St. Joseph's - Rick Bunting, Dennis Green, Le'Ann Linsmeyer, Becky Tyner.
Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings. If someone has a topic that they would like to be addressed at a meeting, he/she should contact one of the parish offices and ask to be placed on the agenda a week before the next scheduled meeting.